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The HeiKaMaxY Workshop for Young Researchers, a workshop on Behavioral Economics and Experiments for young researchers, is jointly organized with the universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim. Interested PhD students, post docs and assistant professors are invited to participate. For more information, please contact Hannes Rau.

The regularly held workshop features excellent researchers in the field of Economics and Finance. More information on the link below.
To the workshopA scientific colloquium in memory of Nora Szech was held on June 28, 2024. Renowned international academics such as Nikolaus Schweizer (Tilburg University), Thomas Mariotti (Toulouse School of Economics), Georg Weizsäcker (Humboldt University of Berlin), and George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University) discussed current research.
The research paper by Nora Szech, Leonie Kühl and David Huber investigates the question of appropriate remuneration of work. "Our study shows that the respective incentive system, work experience, and especially gender have an influence on what wages managers set for their employees" explained Nora Szech.
Bloomberg, Spiegel Online, Business, Financial Post, Fortune, Business, Haufe
To the study
Our interdisciplinary graduate school KD2 School is centering around the KD2Lab. Both projects are funded by the German Science Foundation. Our research focus is on adaptive systems, AI, and moral behavior.
About the KD2 Graduate SchoolKIT alumnus Dr. Joachim Nagel, President of the German Central Bank, visited KIT as 2023 Heinrich Hertz Guest Professor in October 2023. In a public lecture with the title „Europa und sein Euro – Fit für die Zukunft?“ Dr. Nagel explained the role of the Euro for Europe.
Funded by the European Research Council ERC and headed by Johannes Brumm, the SOLG for Policy project started in October 2022 and will be funded for five years.
Solution methods for high-dimensional Stochastic Overlapping Generations (SOLG) models are developed and applied to questions of public debt and pension systems.
To the KIT Press Release
Berthold Wigger proposes a method to predict students' success via artificial intelligence. To the video.
In interviews with egoFM and , Johannes Brumm takes a position on the pension system, national debt and generational equity.
Interview with egoFM Reflex from 28.10.2022
To the tagesschau article
Berthold Wigger and the Kronberger Kreis published a joint article in the "FAZ" on the occasion of the German Day of Unity. Click here to read the article.
FAZ article
The study by Marta Serra-Garcia and Nora Szech shows that many people prefer to look the other way when it comes to a donation situation. However, as little as 10 cents reward can persuade half of these people to look into the donation opportunity after all - and donate if necessary! The study is published as a featured paper in the top journal Management Science and presented on the Management Science Review Blog.
To the study

The KIT disposes of an interdisciplinary laboratory following economic standards, funded by the DFG. 40 cubicles allow researchers to analyze economic behavior as well as body-responses. Participatory Research.
Learn more about the KD2Lab
Information nudges are designed to guide behavior in a particular direction without coercion. One example is the Nutri-Score, which suggests healthy eating. The team of authors around Nora Szech investigates how information nudges and self control work together. The research paper is accepted to be published in the top journal Management Science.
To the study

The top journal The Review of Economic Studies publishes Nora Szech's study on the diffusion of morality in groups and voting as a featured paper.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) (Article)
Interview Süddeutsche (SZ) (Video)
Clemens Puppe is member of the advisory board of the journal "Social Choice & Welfare" as well as a member of the editorial board of the journal "Economics and Philosophy".

The HeiKaMaX Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics takes place regularly, jointly organized with the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim. For more information or if you want to participate, please contact Petra Nieken or Philipp Reiss.